Wednesday 31 March 2010

Springtime of discontent

A springtime full of discontent
Will not now mark the end of Lent
But still the RMT is bent
On letting feelings show

Another ballot will come soon
And then a strike in May or June
A chance for people to lampoon
The likes of Mr Crowe

As taxes rise and wages freeze
It seems that Britain's old disease
Is back to make the people sneeze
And bring them further woe

For Cameron it's heaven sent
The public's anger he can vent
And point to all the ill intent
Of those like Mr Crowe

Reduction in the public debt
is not something he'll help to get
Efficiencies will not be met
If he can make it so

For Crowie it's a chance to shout
And get the knuckle dusters out
To force a deal through union clout
Well, thank you, Mr Crowe

The safety card he's keen to wave
It's not about the jobs he'd save
The bosses are the ones behaving
Recklessly and low

Although the public will be used
To make a point and then abused
The jaw-jaw route has been refused
Oh well done, Mr Crowe

Old Crowie's got much thicker skin
Than Managment, who'll soon give in
He's only focused on a win
And having the last throw

There is no middle ground to take
No compromise that he will make
His arm is strong, make no mistake
Or so thinks Mr Crowe

But soon, perhaps to great applause
We'll get some bright new labour laws
Which trim back all the unions' claws
And not just those we know

The public then will shoot your fox
And put you back inside your box
Knock off your smile, if not your socks
So watch out, Mr Crowe

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