Wednesday 31 March 2010

The mystery of the Cornbury treasure

Within the world of Cornbury Park
Down where the woods are deep and dark
There lives a creature, short and round
That makes its home high off the ground

Though no one's seen it recently
It once was spotted up a tree
Before it scurried round the back
It dropped a small but heavy sack

What fell to earth with clinks and thuds
Turned out to be some precious goods:

A lady's purse with silken trims
Some spectacles with golden rims
A silver compass, pointing east
A holy bible, torn and creased
A pocket flask if Cameron Brig
A thick and rather curly wig

T'was quite a fine and handy list
And surely something to be missed
Which might explain what happened next
And left some people quite perplexed

The bag of goods that fell to earth
Was picked up by a man called Firth
Who gave it then to his friend Liam
Curator of the town museum

And here, for just a modest fee
The hoard was put for all to see
But with the exhibition planned
Too few would see it all first hand

For in the night, we don't know when
The treasure trove had gone again
The one thing we can say for sure
It didn't go out through the door

For this was double locked, you see
And none but Liam had a key
The only bit of evidence
Seemed more of a coincidence

On looking for some proof of stealing
Someone pointed to the ceiling
There above their heads up high
They all could see a speck of sky

On studying the hole they spied
It measured just 5 inches wide
Which surely is just far too small
for any human thief to crawl

In came the police to look for hints
Like hair, or skin or fingerprints
But short on clues they went to knock
On all the houses round the block

And here it was they found a bod
Who recollected something odd
He was, he said, upon a bench
Alone with some young Spelsbury wench

While gazing up into the stars
They heard a sound like steel guitars
The twanging noise they saw instead
Were phone lines bouncing up ahead

And stranger still, they heard a clank
Upon the roof of the old bank
Just what was up there, who could say?
This didn't happen every day!

But after that the trail went cold
And none could help them, young or old
So with the case now filed and crossed
The artefacts were all deemed lost

From start to end it's all so strange
Some speculate, but theories range
While stories spread and rumours grow
The truth we just may never know.

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